Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Vitamiin E contains anti-oxidant qualities which are of great benefit to the skin. Basically, it combines with oxygen and destgroys free radicals that damage the skin, particularly from the sun. Some studies even show that Vitamin E may prevent skin cancer when applied to the skin after sunburn. Internally taking vitamin also benefits the skin for much of the same reason it does topically. Again, Vitamin E couples with oxygen to destroy free radicals from the inside out. Vitamin E also protects the artery walls preventing bad cholestrol from oxidizing and sticking to the artery walls. Taking Vitamin E internally also can help prevent cancer by by stopping precancerous carcinogins from turning into cancer. As applied to the skin, Viamin E comes in oil and creme forms -- my favorite being Jason organics 25,000 IU creme.Be sure that the product you buy is 100% vitaamin E with little else (preferably nothing else)added. it may cost more but it is well worth it in the long run.

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